What is Banzai?
Security Bank is able to bring financial education to the classroom with Banzai, an online financial education resource for area students offered at no cost to teachers or students through our sponsorship. Students learn to manage their money through a series of real-life situations, balance a virtual checking account, and more. Best of all, lesson plans and online assessment tools are provided to make the program easy to manage and teacher-friendly.
Three Course Options
Meeting Teaching Standards
Due to changes in state teaching standards, teachers are being required to incorporate Financial Literacy Education into their lesson plans. These requirements are often unfunded and leave teachers without the proper resources for providing quality financial literacy education to their students. By offering Banzai, teachers are able to meet the state standards and students are able to have fun while learning.
How Long Does Banzai Take?
Banzai is flexible. It is designed to fit a teacher’s schedule. As a minimum, teachers can plan for 2-3 classroom hours to complete Life Scenarios (Teen). However, if they wish to expand the lessons, it can last as long as they choose.
Can a Student Take the Course More Than Once?
YES! Because the game is setup to generate different outcomes depending on the actions taken, students can complete the game as many times as they or a teacher would like and still produce different results.

Classroom Presentations
Teachers can request classroom presentations from a Security Bank Representative directly through the Banzai software when ordering their presentation materials. Below are some tools provided by Banzai to help engage the students in good conversation relevant to the course being offered. Presentations can either be held prior to starting the Banzai program to help teachers kick off the course, at the end to help tie everything together, or both - it’s up to the teacher!
Once signed up, teachers will receive an email with the opportunity to reorder booklets needed for the new term. As always, the materials come at no cost to the school.
Students will signup for his or her own Banzai Account using a user name they choose and a class code assigned to the teacher by Banzai. Once enrolled, their teacher can track their progress .
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